Pavlov Server Hosting Service

Why Arctic VR?

Arctic VR is the largest and longest running Pavlov Community Server host.

There is no coding/programming skill required. Simply let us know what you want your server to be and we handle the rest. There is no wait for “Finding Game Server” and in the event of a crash the servers are configured to immediately restart. Anyone that connects to the community server automatically and immediately downloads the map as they join.


Server Capabilities

- Ryzen 7 4.50 GHz

- SSD Storage

- 64 GB DDR4 ECC Ram

- Available in datacenters worldwide


Privacy and Security

-Private Pin Support


-Kick/Ban from In-Game Menu

-DDOS Protection


Server Exclusive Features

-RCON Remote Access

- Configurable balance table (Change item cost/damage values)

-More than 10 players at once

- In-Game admin commands

How to order

To order please visit the ORDER SERVICE page on our website and compleate the checkout process. If you have any question or run into any issues please email